Paws and Claws Koochiching County
About Us
Founder: Cindy Meyer, President
Cindy saw a greater need for the rescue of animals not only in her community, but also in neighboring communities and counties. She also wanted to find a way to financially help families with emergency pet medical care. These are the two main objectives that first formed Paws and Claws. Her love for animals and passion for helping others made this organization grow into what it is today.
Her home serves as main headquarters for Paws and Claws as well as the main foster home facility.
Board Members
President: Cindy Meyer
Vice President: Robin Ramquist
Treasurer: Brenda Sueker
Secretary: Jordan Gunnerson
Grants/Public Relations: Robin Ramquist
At Large: Darcy Randal
At Large: Open
At Large: Open
What We Do
First, we help families with emergency veterinary costs in times of distress and tragedy through fundraising. If a pet is ill or injured and the family cannot fully afford the medical bill, we want to help in any way we can. Paws and Claws was first formed on Facebook as an Auction and Rummage Sale site to help raise money not only for animals of families, but also for strays that no one else would take responsibility for. We step up for those animals and give them a fighting chance. Paws and Claws believes that making the effort to raise money is worth saving an animal's life.
Second, after noticing that the local humane society couldn't always take in stray animals outside city limits, we decided to be a rescue group that would take in animals from anywhere around the community and surrounding areas – even Fort Frances – and get them the proper vet care, foster them, and rehome them, or transport them to other humane societies in Minnesota where they would be taken care of until they found forever homes. Paws and Claws is a group of "first responders" when an animal is in need. We focus on the three R's: Rescue, Recover, Relocate. Furthermore, we take pride that we are not a "cats and dogs only" rescue group - we want to help all companion animals.
As of August 2015, Paws and Claws is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. We are strictly a volunteer based group. Our time and drive to help others is something we offer up freely (and with a happy heart).
Rescue animals in need.
Support the community in times of emergency; make sure that pets are given the best care possible.
Create an Orange Collar Movement for the vacation resorts around International Falls and surounding areas in an attempt to prevent the loss of tourist's pets at local waterfront resorts.
Campaign for the use of microchipping and tagging pets so that we have fewer pets lost.
Host a spay/neuter clinic in International Falls.
Create a Pet Food Voucher system for families that run out of pet food due to unexpected bills or lost wages.