Paws and Claws Koochiching County
Rescue Report
Animals are rescued, medically treated, and transported or adopted out at such a fast rate that it became difficult to continue constant web updates. However, all information about our current and past rescue efforts can be viewed on our Facebook page. Please like, follow, and stay up to date with all our latest rescues!

Forms and Applications
Please review instructions before downloading
If you have a PDF viewer such as Adobe or something similar, you may find it easier and faster to download the file, save it to your computer, open it with a PDF file viewer, fill out the application (you may leave the signature line blank), and send it to us via email.
Alternatively you may print the application, fill it out, and do one of the following: 1) Scan the completed application and send it to us via email; or 2) send the completed application to our mailing address.
Please contact us with any questions you may have!
Foster Application
When Paws and Claws cannot find another humane society or rescue group to help shelter or transport animals, our own members foster the pets and find forever homes for them. Would you like to make a difference in this way?
*If you rent your home please attach a Landlord Permission Agreement*
Landlord Permission Agreement
If you are a renter and would like to adopt or foster an animal from Paws and Claws Koochiching County, please print out this form and have your landlord fill it out. If possible, attach it to your foster/adoption application; otherwise have your landlord send it to us when he/she has completed it.
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